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Online Gebruikers Groep - Experts helpen klanten » Livebox (= Sagem f@st 3203, wordt uitgefaseerd) » Livebox configuratie en problemen
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4 draden
Why is the Livebox using the 4 wires of the phone?
KPN states that only 2 are needed.
Standard phone cables are all with 4 wires (and also the connector pins in the telephones) but indeed only 2 are used.
It's the same as with UTP networking. 8 wires present but only 4 of them are used.

So you are right, with phone only 2 are needed.
Greetings, Richard.
you are right. I disconnected two of the 4 wires and phone/ADSL work fine.
The second pair is for reserve. If for example the first pair is cut somewhere and not useable anymore.
Kies BBcode image, plak in handtekening.

That depends on which line is free. They don't always use the white and orange cables for dedicated adsl.
I've experienced also they used blue and red for that one.
But you can measure which lines give a good voltage. Those are the ones that work.
Greetings, Richard.
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Wandcontactdoos, draden verwisselen Algemeen : 5 27 sep 2011