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Huawei HG655D met andere router in Bridge mode
I tried the settings you suggested and got this warning:

"The LAN and WAN IP addresses are identical! Please check them again!"

Here are the settings I did.


At first when I selected 'static IP address' but before I saved it or made any other changes, the Linksys suggested these settings:


Because your settings had some issue, I tried with the Linksys suggested settings, and also put the suggested IP address in the DMZ on the Huawei


but perhaps I haven't done that correctly?

Anyway, it doesn't work with the Linksys suggested settings, I'm still not getting the cameras on my phone via the internet.

I'd like to try your settings but can you please tell me what I have to
correct before the settings will be accepted?


I R Baboon
Dat is een veiligheidswaarschuwing van de Linksys.
Aan zich niet erg. De meeste routers accepteren dat wel. Blijkbaar de Linksys niet.

De snelste manier is om het subnet van de Huawei aan te passen.
Ga naar Basic -> LAN en verander naar
De DHCP server verander je naar start end
Alle ander settings blijven hetzelfde.
Als je op "toepassen" klikt, zal de verbinding verbroken worden met de PC.
Alleen met een herstart kan je weer verbinding maken op

Op de Linksys laat je alles zo staan.

Herstart wel even alle routers en test dan opnieuw.
Kijk voor de beste satelliet links naar [url=Satelliet.start-plaats.nl]Satelliet.start-plaats.nl[/url]
Hi again;

well, the Huawei is already on, as I mentioned earlier


I've changed the DHCP settings as you suggest, although I don't understand the significance of doing that.


I still can't see our cameras via our public IP address with a port number, as I could before.
I R Baboon
Plaatje van de Huawei ziet er goed uit.

Statische ip adressen en dynamische ip adressen kan je het beste scheiden.
Dan heb je nooit conflicten en het is altijd duidelijk wanneer iets statisch is en wat niet.

Publieke ip adressen werken niet bij een Huawei.
Gebruik een proxy server of een andere internet verbinding.
Kijk voor de beste satelliet links naar [url=Satelliet.start-plaats.nl]Satelliet.start-plaats.nl[/url]
"...Publieke ip adressen werken niet bij een Huawei.
Gebruik een proxy server of een andere internet verbinding."

I'm sorry to be so thick but could you please explain this? Our public IP is the address I get when I google "what is my public IP address", isn't it?


Until now that address, plus a port number, has been enough to view the cameras via the internet.

How can that not work with the Huawei?
I R Baboon
Omdat de Huawei geen NAT loopback doet.
Daar is niets aan te doen.

Staan de poorten open in de Linksys?
Kijk voor de beste satelliet links naar [url=Satelliet.start-plaats.nl]Satelliet.start-plaats.nl[/url]
As far as I understand it, they're open, they were working before. But maybe I set them up incorrectly, it was my first experience with port forwarding and I wasn't really sure.

Here's a screenshot, maybe you can see if I did something wrong but as far as I can see they are all open.

I R Baboon
Zoveel camera's?

Kan je de camera benaderen via het eigen interne ip adres?

Overigens moet je geen gebruik maken van poort 8081.
Online gebruikt die poort om remote in te loggen op het modem.
Kijk voor de beste satelliet links naar [url=Satelliet.start-plaats.nl]Satelliet.start-plaats.nl[/url]
They are not all cameras. We got one camera a few years ago, a very cheap Foscam, and then we had an inbraak and 2 guys stole all our garden tools. But we got them on camera, gave the film to the police, and they caught the guys and we got all our things back! So then we bought 2 more cameras. Then our neighbours got robbed too, so we offered to install another camera looking at their house. So all together we have 4 cameras.

Yes, we can access the cameras now using their 192.168.1.xxx addresses. But we can't access them via the internet.

Could this be either a NAT or a firewall issue? I don't understand NAT, I never heard of it before, but I'm reading about it online. The firewall is turned on on both routers, is that necessary? Can I turn one of them off, and if so, which one?
You say the Huawei doesn't support NAT loopback.

The Linksys does support it, you can turn the filter off:


If this can't be done for the Huawei, then that must be the problem and it can't be fixed.

Would you agree with that?

I don't know how to use a proxy server :-(
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